Monday, March 11, 2013

Warner Brothers Crest

        I created this piece to  commemorate "The Looney Tune Show" that is wrapping up that I have spent the last few years on. It was a great learning and creative experience. Having the honor of working with these characters is something I will be forever grateful for.
   Since we are on the theme of crests here are some more I have done over the past year.
    This is a crest I did for the "Beam Me Up" show at Q POP Gallery

      The one below I made for my God Son Wesley Kanda. 
  This one I made for my family for Christmas. It has our family pets. We actually don't have pet doves. I put them in for ornate purposes only.
 I made this for my friend John Choo. It was a crest he had commissioned from me for his "Garage Club"
  This crest I made for a charity art show at "The Wild Life Learning Center" in LA


  1. Great collection of crest!

  2. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Wonderful art! Good luck with your other projects.

  3. All of these are great! :)

  4. Wait a minute, the show is wrapping up? Hope I'm misunderstanding that, its a brilliant fun cartoon and its barely started!

    Nice Crest BTW.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The Bugs Bunny Show it would be Premieres this June 2, 2015 on Cartoon Network.

  6. Has TLTS officially been announced as canceled?

    If the show brings in close to 2 million viewers consistently for CN, I don't see why they would cancel that... That's as many viewers as SyFy's Face Off.
